SiriusXM™ Sports Information
Provides real-time information on scores and schedules all major sports.
- Press [HOME] or [
] > [Data Services] > [SiriusXM Sports].
<Sports main screen> |
- Press the desired item to view related sports information.
- Press [Schedule] or [Menu] > [Schedule] to display schedules for the next seven days.
- Press [Score] or [Menu] > [Scores] to display scores for 2 days from today.
- Press [Menu] > [SXM Radio Game Zone] to tune into current games in Game Zone.
- Press [Menu] > [News] to check new information for each sport.
- Press [Favorites] in Sports main screen. All teams added as favorites will display in the Favorites list.
- Select the favorite team.
,Note |
If there are no favorites added, press [Search] to find and add your favorite teams. |
Adding to Favorites
- Press [Menu] > [Add Favorite] in Sports main screen.
- Enter the favorite teams and press [
- Select the desired item.
Reordering Favorites
The added items in Favorites can be reordered.
- Press [Menu] > [Reorder] in Sports main screen.
- Press the desired item.
- Move up and down and press the selected item, or drag it to the desired position.
Deleting Favorites
- Press [Menu] > [Delete] in Sports main screen.
- Select the item you want to delete and press [Delete].
- [Mark All]: Selects all items.
- [Unmark All]: Unmarks all items.
- [Cancel]: Exits delete screen.