DIS Navigation System
Data Services

SiriusXM™ Stocks Information

View real time information of the stock market.


Press [HOME] or [home%20icon_RJ_USA_ENG.png] > [Data Services] > [SiriusXM Stocks].

Stocks added as favorites are displayed in the main screen.


<Stocks main screen>


When entering Stocks for the first time, a screen is displayed to add your favorite stock information. Press [Search] to find and add your favorite stocks.

Adding to Favorites

A maximum of 100 items can be added.

  1. Press [Menu] > [Add Favorite] in Stocks main screen.
  2. Enter the favorite stocks and press [icon%20magnifier%20icon_RJ_USA_ENG.png].


  1. Select the desired item.

Reordering Favorites

The added items in Favorites can be reordered.

  1. Press [Menu] > [Reorder] in Stocks main screen.
  2. Press the desired item.


  1. Move up and down and press the selected item, or drag it to the desired position.


Deleting Favorites

  1. Press [Menu] > [Delete] in Stocks main screen.


  1. Select the item you want to delete and press [Delete].

Stock Search

  1. Press [Search] in Stocks main screen.
  2. Enter your favorite stocks and press [icon%20magnifier%20icon_RJ_USA_ENG.png].


  1. Press [Add Favorite] to save them.


  1. Added stocks will display in the Favorites screen.