SiriusXM™ Weather Information
Current weather information
This service provides current weather information in your region.
- Press [HOME] or [
] > [Data Services] > [SiriusXM Weather]. This current weather information is displayed on the screen.
<SiriusXM Weather screen> |
Weather forecast
This service provides weather forecasts for the next six days including today in your region.
- Press [Menu] > [Forecast] in SiriusXM Weather screen.
- Press [Menu] > [Today] to move to current weather information screen.
Weather information in other region
This service provides weather information in other region.
- Press [Menu] > [Location List] in SiriusXM Weather screen.
- Select the desired region.
Weather Alerts
This service provides weather warnings and advisories, such as Tornado, Storm, Flood, Winter, Wind etc..
- Press [Menu] > [Weather Alerts] in SiriusXM Weather screen.
- Press [Menu] > [Prioritization Levels] > [All], [Low], [High] or [Severe] to set the prioritization levels.
- Press [Menu] > [Set Range] > [50 miles], [100 miles], [200 miles] or [300 miles] to set the distance range.
- Press [Menu] > [Marine/coastal] to set whether to include regional information of the Marine/coastal.
- Press [Menu] > [Show Popup] to set whether or not to display alert pop-ups.
- Press the desired item.
Weather Map
This service provides up-to-date weather information across the country.
Zoom in to view more detailed information in specific regions.
- Press [Menu] > [Weather Map] in SiriusXM Weather screen.
- Press [Menu] > [Full Screen] to hide all icons.
- Press [Menu] > [Weather Front] to set whether to display cold/warm air fronts.
- Press [Menu] > [Isobar] to set whether to display the Isobar.
- Press [Menu] > [Pressure Center] to set whether to display the Pressure center.
- Press [Menu] > [NOWRad] to set whether to display the storm track.
- Press [+]/[-] to use the zoom in and out features.
Push the controller up, down, left, or right to move to the desired location.